I was wondering what would be the best way to disinfect my piano during the coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak.
You need to know which disinfectant products to use on your piano. Otherwise the surface of your piano and keys may be damaged.
Luckily, the Piano Technicians Guild is making some suggestions, which would help piano teachers and piano students take proper care of their pianos.
Link: Piano Technicians Guild > COVID-19 & Piano Care
1. According to the Piano Technicians Guild, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has specific tips for preparation, protection and care.
Link: Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) > Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
2. On the Piano Technicians Guild’s webpage, Greg Cheng, Registered Piano Technician, gives his helpful recommendations, which can be generally summarised as follows:
– Generally, use a soft disposable towel with warm water and hand or dish soap on finish, key and case parts. Then follow up with a dry soft disposable towel to dry the surface. Cheng recommends Wypall L30 disposable towel.
– If you are using disinfectant products, use alcohol-based and not bleach-based disinfectants. Do not use any products, which contain citrus.
– Put the disinfectant on the towel and not directly on the piano.
– After use, immediately discard the towel or disinfectant hand wipe. Then wash your hands as recommended by CDC.
– Always follow up with a dry towel. Piano or keys need to be left dry.
Generally, most disinfecting wipes or sprays should be safe to use on the piano keys. If the keys are dirty, Cheng suggests using Cory Key-Brite to clean and then follow up with the disinfecting wipes or sprays.
I have been using Cory Key-Brite, which I bought from Long & McQuade. But I did not think of following up with the disinfecting wipes or sprays until I read the advisory.
Case Parts
Always test the disinfectant in a discrete area before you proceed with the actual disinfection.
According to Cheng, high gloss polyester is the most durable to almost any store-bought disinfectants. If the finish is dirty, he suggests Windex or Cory Pre-Polish Finish Cleaner, followed by the disinfectant, then for the final step, use the Cory Super High-Gloss Piano Polish. Always follow up with a dry towel.
I have Cory All Brite Conditioning Polish, which came with Cory Key-Brite. But I have neither Cory Pre-Polish Finish Cleaner nor Cory Super High-Gloss Piano Polish. It is time for me to visit Long & McQuade only to realise that I should be staying at home.
Case parts finishes are not all the same. If you are not careful, they can be damaged easily by disinfectant wipes and sprays. Read the Piano Technicians Guild’s page carefully to find out what would be the best way to clean and disinfect your piano.
We are supposed to clean our piano gently. If you scrub, your may not only scratch your piano but also remove the finish. And don’t forget to throw away the towels or wipes you use.
For more discussions about COVID-19 and piano care, see the following link.
Link: Piano Technicians Guild (PTG) > COVID-19 and Piano Care
Regarding Piano Technicians Guild:
The Piano Technicians Guild is a leading source of piano service expertise. It promotes the highest possible standards of piano service by providing opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.